sveltekit-strapi Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Strapi

sapper (soon SvelteKit) and website

This is the example project to this blog post build a sapper/strapi website.


SvelteKit is in early development public beta, please have a look at the SvelteKit Docs and SvelteKit Github to see it's progress.

The SvelteKit part of this repository is not runable right now. Stay tuned I'm working on it. This is the example project to this blog post SvelteKit & Strapi.


You can use npm run setup in the project folder, to create the sapper .env and create/update the strapi .env file with the JWT_SECRETs it needs. This command will not change other values in your .env files.

If you run this command on an existing strapi instance your backend and frontend strapi users will need to sign in again.

$ npm run setup


$ cd sapper
$ npm ci
$ npm run dev

SvelteKit (not runable yet)

$ cd sveltekit
$ npm ci
$ npm run dev


Please run npm run setup before you setup strapi, to create a suitable .env file.

 $ npm run setup
 $ cd strapi
 $ npm ci
 $ npm run build
 $ npm run dev

For your information: I duplicate strapis npm run develop to a npm run dev command, because many other frameworks start with npm run dev.

Strapi installation was created with the --quickstart option, for now it uses a sqlite database.

If you want to use a different database have a look at Databases Documentation at the strapi documentation site.

first steps

You need to configure your strapi installation before SvelteKit will show anything.

create strapi admin account

Go to Strapi Admin, create your admin account and log in.

make pages and navigation public readable

Click on Settings and Roles and choose Public. On Navigation allow find action, on Pages allow findone. Otherwise strapi will always return a 403 error.

create an index page and publish it

Click on Pages on the left hand menu and add a page. It is important to check the IndexPage box, so your website has a root page.

Click on Save and now on Publish.

setp up a navigation

Click on Navigation in the menu left and add your new created index page to the navigation.

Click on Save and on Publish.

Now SvelteKit sapper application will show you a navigation menu and a blank page, ready for your project.

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