
Task Manager Svelte

Directus and Svelte Task Management System


This project demonstrates how to set up and configure a Directus backend with MySQL, create basic functionalities for user authentication and task management, and integrate a frontend using Svelte and Flowbite.


  1. Directus Setup with MySQL

    • Install and configure Directus with a MySQL database.
    • Set up Directus to manage tasks with fields for title, description, status, and due date.
  2. User Login

    • Implement a user authentication system using Directus.
    • Ensure users can log in and log out securely.
  3. Task Management

    • Create functionalities for adding and deleting tasks.
    • Ensure task data is correctly saved and removed in the MySQL database via Directus.
  4. Frontend Integration with Svelte and Flowbite

    • Set up a basic Svelte project.
    • Use Flowbite components to create a user-friendly interface.
    • Display a task list fetched from the Directus backend.
    • Include forms for adding and deleting tasks.
    • Ensure the user interface is responsive and accessible.


Directus Setup

  1. Install Directus

    Follow the Directus installation guide to install Directus.

  2. Configure MySQL

    Ensure you have a MySQL database set up. Configure Directus to use your MySQL database by updating the .env file with your database credentials:


Set Up Directus

  1. Access the Directus Admin Panel

    Open your web browser and navigate to your Directus admin panel. This is typically accessible at http://localhost:8055 or the URL where you have Directus hosted.

  2. Create a New Collection for Tasks

    • Navigate to Collections & Fields: In the admin panel, go to the sidebar and select Collections & Fields.

    • Add a New Collection: Click the + Add Collection button.

    • Configure Collection Settings:

      • Name: Enter Tasks for the collection name.
      • Description: Optionally, provide a description for the collection.
    • Add Fields to the Collection:

      1. Title:

        • Field Type: Text
        • Field Name: title
        • Display Name: Title
        • Required: Yes
      2. Description:

        • Field Type: Text Area
        • Field Name: description
        • Display Name: Description
        • Required: No
      3. Status:

        • Field Type: Enumeration
        • Field Name: status
        • Display Name: Status
        • Options:
          • pending
          • completed
        • Default Value: pending
        • Required: Yes
      4. Due Date:

        • Field Type: Date
        • Field Name: due_date
        • Display Name: Due Date
        • Required: No
    • Save the Collection: Once all fields are added, click the Save Collection button.

  3. Configure Authentication Settings

    • Navigate to Authentication Settings: In the admin panel, go to Settings and then Authentication.

    • Set Up Authentication:

      • Ensure that users can log in and log out securely. Configure settings according to your project’s requirements.
    • Create User Roles: Optionally, set up roles and permissions for different types of users to manage access to the tasks.

  4. Test the Setup

    • Add Sample Tasks: Go to the Tasks collection and add a few sample tasks to ensure everything is working correctly.

    • Verify User Authentication: Test the login and logout functionalities to ensure users can authenticate properly.

Frontend Setup

Download and Open the Repository

To get started, download the repository and open it in your preferred code editor:

  1. Download the project as a ZIP file.
  2. Extract the ZIP file.
  3. Open the extracted project directory in your preferred code editor.

Install Dependencies

Navigate to the Svelte project directory and install the required dependencies:

npm install

Create a .env file in your Svelte project root and add your Directus API URL:


Run the Project

Start the development server:

npm run dev

The project should now be running at http://localhost:3000.



Users can log in using the login form provided in the Svelte frontend. The authentication is handled by Directus.

Task Management

Users can add, view, and delete tasks. Tasks are managed through Directus and displayed in the Svelte frontend.

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