flight_club_svelte Svelte Themes


Front-end version of the flight_club app implemented with firebase and svelte

Flight Club

This is a client-side implementation of the Flight Club app, the original version is here: https://github.com/drc56/flight_club

The site is built using Svelte and SvelteKit

Firebase provides auth, hosting, database, storage, and cloud functions.


  1. Requires Node.js
  2. npm install to install required dependencies
  3. npm run dev to launch the site locally

Ready for local development from here. Saving files will cause a hot-reload, though a full browser refresh or re-starting step 3 sometimes fixes insidious bugs.

Build and deploy

  • npm run build to compile the Svelte files to plain javascript
  • npm run preview to quickly see the built site
  • npm run start to serve the site locally as it will be deployed using firebase emulators
  • npm run test run tests
  • npm run deploy-site to deploy changes to the static site. This requires user credentials with the correct permissions
  • npm run deploy-functions to deploy changes to the firebase functions. Requires credentials

Implementation details

Firebase hosting only serves static content, so the SvelteKit server-side (SSR) features are disabled by using the adapter-static in SPA mode.

The firebaseConfig object in firebase.ts is served to every user and considered public, data protection is maintained through Firebase Security Rules.

Most of the site is unavailable without logging in - see the if block in the template file. This is not true data protection, which is again maintained through Firebase Security Rules.

Users authenticated via Google with firebase auth, which is made available site-wide by a store in this file.

The Firestore data structure prioritizes read efficiency, so there is some redundancy. Secondary data updates are handled by cloud functions defined here. These are called when primary data changes (ie. a beer is added). This secondary data includes:

  • User aggregate data (ie. total wins)
  • Session aggregate data (ie. average ABV)

What's here

/src most of the site lives here
/src/routes files and folders names here translate to URLs on the site
/src/lib components and modules that aren't full pages
/src/lib/firebase.ts all firestore interfaces are maintained here
/src/lib/models.ts the data model is maintained here
/src/lib/stores.ts data available site-wide are defined in stores here
/src/tests jest test files
/static static assets like fonts and images
/functions cloud functions

svelte.config.js Svelte settings and options
firebase.json Firebase settings and options
package.json Node.js settings and options
firestore.rules security rules to protect the database
storage.rules security rules to protect the file storage (mostly pictures)
firestore.indexes.json unlike SQL, compound queries are only possible if there is an index
jest.config.mjs Jest settings and options

Data Model

The data is maintained in firestore which is a document/collection system. There are three main collections:

  • Users
  • Clubs
  • Sessions
  • Beers

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