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Svelte Datatable

This is a reactive svelte-datatable. Feats:

  • In reactive: If you change rows, the dataTable updates accordingly
  • FrontEnd paginator
  • FrontEnd included Searchbar
  • You can pass SvelteComponent to render on a column
  • You can pass SvelteComponent to render a header
  • Sticky 1 column (can sticky just 1 col for now)


Param type Required Default
columns Column[] true --
rows object[] true --
fuseConfig object false --
paginated boolean false true
searchable boolean false true
itemsPerPages number[] false [5,10,15]

If searchable == true, by default all columns will be searchable. If you wish to exclude a column from search, specify searchable = false in the column definition.

Custom fuse parameters may also be provided through the fuseConfig prop


interface SvelteComponent{}
interface Column {
    label:string, // header of column
    field: string, // property on rows to display;accessed by _.get
    component?: SvelteComponent //must export row, column rowIndex and columnIndex  to have scopes 
    headerComponent?: SvelteComponent // must export column and columnIndex  to have scopes     
    sortable?: boolean, // false by default
    searchable?: boolean, // true by default
    numeric?: boolean,
    sticky?: boolean,
    sortFnc?: 'function' // eg: (a,b, currentSort) => {}  currentSort can be asc|desc|null


Each element affected by css is divided by 2 clases: Layout and style. You can easily overwrite this css clases to make changes in style. We recomend only changing the styles ones which are:

Component Class
Search dt-search-container-style
Search dt-search-input-style
Table dt-table-container-style
Table dt-table-wrapper-style
Table dt-table-header-th-style
Table dt-table-body-td-style
Paginator dt-paginator-style
Paginator dt-paginator-items-per-page-style
Paginator dt-paginator-status-style
Paginator dt-paginator-current-page-style
Paginator dt-paginator-arrows-style

DataTable Events Events

Name Description Notes
headerClick Sent on clicking header with column and columnIndex as information
headerCustomHandler Event used to be forwarded by the DataTable If you have a custom header with two parts, and want to do a specific action when clicking one see "Header Custom handler" section

Header Custom handler

To make the table emit a headerCustomHandler event, the column.headerComponent must dispatch a event called headerCustomHandler to be forwarded to the datable.

    import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
    const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();

    function onClick1(){
        dispatch('headerCustomHandler', {clickOne:true});
    function onClick2(){
        dispatch('headerCustomHandler', {clickTwo:true});

    <p on:click={onClick1}>Click1</p>
    <p on:click={onClick2}>Click2</p>

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