Technologies: Python and Flask for the backend API, JavaScript and Svelte for the UI
The dataset comprises power generation data categorized by type of fuel and provided on an hourly basis for four European countries: Germany, Austria, Denmark, and France.
I explored and wrangled the data in Python so that it can be in the correct structure to render easily as a stacked area chart with D3.js on the frontend (Svelte). I calculated the aggregated daily generation for each type of fuel and stored the results. I also categorized the fuel sources into renewables and non-renewables and then calculated aggregated daily and monthly electricity generation from these two categories. An API route is set up in Flask to transmit these datasets to the frontend.
A stacked area chart is chosen to represent the daily data to make it easy to compare the relative proportions of different fuel sources at any given point in time. The height of each stack represents the total for that day, and the segments within the stack show the contribution of each fuel source to the total.
A dropdown menu allows the user to select different countries from the dataset. When the user selects a country, both charts update automatically to reflect the selected country's power generation data.
Navigate to the server folder. Create a Python virtual environment where the dependencies for this project will be installed.
cd server
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the environment and install all the packages available in the requirement.txt file.
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
If a .env
file is not present in the server folder, create one to store the private API key, which is required to extract data from the API
Run the server
flask run -h localhost -p 3000
Open a new terminal tab and navigate to the client folder. Install the dependencies
cd client
npm install
Run the command below to build the app and have the Vite build tool watch for changes
npm run autobuild
View the app on http://localhost:3000/
Note: I have decided not to name the backend and front end files separately with the naming convention specified in the document, because of the interconnectedness of the two.