Transcendance-Pong Svelte Themes

Transcendance Pong

A full-stack web application featuring a multiplayer pong game, a chat, and a secure authentication system

Transcendance Pong

Transcendance Pong is a full-stack web implementation of the classic pong game, featuring a secure authentification system, a chat feature, and a multiplayer online pong game.
Built with Svelte, NestJS, and PostgreSQL, it uses the most current technologies to offer a contemporary take on a classic


  • Secure authentification system: Users can create an account and log in to access the chat and pong game features.
  • Chat: Users can communicate with each other through a chat feature while playing the pong game. The chat allows users to send direct messages to each other, as well as participate in channels. Channels are administrated by users with administrator rights, who can manage the membership and permissions of the channel.
  • Multiplayer pong game: Multiple users can play a game of pong together in real-time.
  • Contributors

    Cristian Ciobanu
    Damir Haliti

    Running the project locally

    Due to the removal of Heroku's free product plans, the project is temporarily not available. However, you can still try it out on your own machine by cloning the repository and running:

    docker-compose up --build

    This will build and start the necessary containers for the project. Once the containers are running, you can access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:8080.

    Ressources and documentation




    MDN Web Docs for websockets

    Authentication and security


    This project is realeased under the MIT Licence.

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