GIX Components

GIX Components is a UI kit developed with SvelteKit by the GIX team.

Getting Started

The component library has been originally implemented for the frontend dapp of the Network Nervous System (NNS).

It undergoes continuous improvements, and its showcase and documentation are deployed on the IC:


Install gix-components as a dependency.

npm i @dfinity/gix-components


Running npm run package bundles the library. It takes the contents of src/lib and generate a dist directory.

The root directory can be used to consume a local version of gix-components in another project (npm i /../gix-components).

However, to run 'jest' unit tests in the other project, the library needs to be packed first (cd package && npm pack) before being installed (e.g. npm i /../gix-components/dfinity-gix-components-0.0.1.tgz).

See documentation for more information.

Documentation & Showcase

To run the documentation locally, npm run dev can be executed.

Running npm run build will bundle the showcase. It should be executed before deploying the documentation to a canister smart contract.

Note: all pages of the application are set to be pre-rendered per default.

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