For details on how the margin / trading system works, please check the Whitepaper, specifically sections 4 and 4.4. Liquidation Rebates and Interest Rate no longer apply.
The items below are listed in non-priority order. All milestones are ASAP, with a target production launch date of early January. The driving factor is high quality, speed, and code simplicity/readability.
The contracts that this UI interacts with are in the protocol repo. It would probably be wise to run and connect to those contracts locally to be able to test UI changes quickly.
Component: Account, showing balance, equity, locked margin, free margin, margin level, buttons to deposit and withdraw
Component: Deposit / Withdraw modal
Component: New Order
Component: Chart, with price history pulled from Chainlink APIs
Component: Markets, showing list of market symbols with latest prices
Component: Positions, showing list of active positions
Component: Close Position modal
Component: Orders, showing list of active orders
Subgraph: a separate repo that includes a simple subgraph to query historical trades
Component: History, showing list of past trades, pulled from subgraph
Easy trade sharing for both active positions and historical trades
Ability to export history to CSV, with a modal to determine the timeframe to export. This should probably use a web worker to avoid it blocking the UI in cases where the amount of items to export is big.
Component: Pool, showing pool balance, buffer balance, user pool balance, add liquidity, remove liquidity
Component: Network selector (top-right) to switch between chains
Error strings should be synced with new contracts
Mobile UI
ABIs for new contracts
APIs for new contracts
Simplify: remove market search, sorting, etc.
Running on your local machine
npm i
npm run dev
You can submit a PR. I will review it and merge into the main branch for deployment.