svelt-kit-prismic-cms-REST Svelte Themes

Svelt Kit Prismic Cms Rest

Svelte Kit - Prismic REST app example

Svelte-Prismic-RES API Blog

This is my personal blog app built with SvelteKit and Prismic CMS.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

The project ultilised Prismic client for fetching data and Svelte Prismic Slice Zone for rendering content. Also uses Prismjs for highlighting code and tailwind for CSS, which makes developing UI easy .

🧒 Prerequisites

You have to familiar with Javascript, SvelteKit,Prismic and Tailwind,Prismjs in order to work with this project.

⌚ Using the project

Fork the repo and install dependencies, that's all you need. ⛏️.

Install dependencies

yarn install

Running the project

yarn dev

will start the project.

🚀 Built Using

✍️ Authors and Guides

🎉 Acknowledgements

  • Thank for awesome Prismic Headless CMS

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