Svelte Context Test

@krestui/svelte-context-test is a library to test components with svelte context, specifically getContext() API-s.

svelte framework provides and recommends Contexts to share data between the parent and child components, .

This library helps to test Svelte Child Components that expect context values to be passed from a parent component.


$ npm install -D @krestui/svelte-context-test

In case of yarn, do the following:

$ yarn add -D @krestui/svelte-context-test


Assume 2 components - Parent and Child, that share data between each other through Contexts , as below.


<script lang="ts">
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';
  import type { Writable } from 'svelte/store';

  const groupStore: Writable<string> = getContext('ctx-key');


The Child component expects context data through a key - ctx-key as mentioned above.


<script lang="ts">
  import { setContext } from 'svelte';
  import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
  import Child from './Child.svelte';

  let groupStore = writable('');

  setContext('ctx-key', groupStore);

<Child />

The Parent component sets the ctx-key context key so the child component can pick it up.

To test the child component Child.svelte above (using jest or any other framework of your choice),we need to set the right context value for ctx-key .

Trying to instantiate the child component directly through the render from testing-library/svelte will work, but not very useful since we cannot set the value of the context key ctx-key expected in the Child component.


import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/svelte';

import Child from './Child.svelte';

test('renders the Child component', () => {
  const { getByText } = render(Child);
  // This will programmatically compile but useless
  // since we cannot set the context key of 'ctx-key' to be tested better

To write better unit tests, we use this library @krestui/svelte-context-test as below.


Create a mixin helper component of Child.svelte as below, say MockChild.svelte that helps us set the context key attribute values, as below.

Use the ContextTest component provided by this library to instantiate the Child component while setting the context key attribute values.

See below.


<script lang="ts">
  import Child from '$lib/Child.svelte';
  import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
  import ContextTest, { type KeyValue } from '@krestui/svelte-context-test/ContextTest.svelte';
  const keyValues: Array<KeyValue> = [{ key: 'ctx-key', value: writable('') } as KeyValue];

<ContextTest component={Child} {keyValues} />


import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
import { render } from '@testing-library/svelte';
import MockChild from './MockChild.svelte';

test('renders Child Component', () => {
  const { getByText } = render(MockChild);


If you are using jest freel free to add the following to jest.config.cjs in your project


  transformIgnorePatterns: [

The above will ensure that the jest runner is able to read svelte files from this package so the unit tests continue to pass.


The code is issued under MIT License.

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