100-Projects-react-js-ts-nextjs-sveltejs-nodejs Svelte Themes

100 Projects React Js Ts Nextjs Sveltejs Nodejs

100+ Projects: React, JS, TS, Next.js, Svelte, Node.js

This repository is a collection of 100+ projects showcasing various skills and concepts using modern web development technologies, including React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js, Svelte, and Node.js.

Each project is self-contained, with its own README file, source code, and assets.

🚀 Categories

  1. React: Projects demonstrating core React concepts, hooks, state management, and more.
  2. Next.js: Server-rendered applications and static websites with Next.js.
  3. Svelte: Highly reactive and fast applications using Svelte.
  4. Node.js: Backend services, REST APIs, and server-side applications using Node.js.

📂 Project List

  1. Project 01: Tasty Pic Landing Page
  2. Project 02: Tasty Pic Landing Page

📖 How to Use

  1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone https://github.com/deveRana/100-Projects-react-js-ts-nextjs-sveltejs-nodejs.git cd 100-Projects-react-js-ts-nextjs-sveltejs-nodejs

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