A simple chat app I created to help myself learn Svelte / Sapper and Socket.IO. It can be used as a fun example app to build with a group of students when teaching these technologies (along with Polka, Rollup, and even Cypress). You can play with the demo here. Note however, I use a free teir at Heroku so the initial start up time is pretty slow!
The chat app implements the following functionality:
To build, cd
to project root and run:
$ npm install && npm run build
To run the app in development, it is suggested you use the following command from the project root:
$ npm run dev
The source of this app may be used under the WTFPL - or, if you take issue with that, consider it to be under the CC0.
Feedback and contributions are welcome. Feel free to create issues, fork, submit pull requests, etc.
Finally, if you want to contribute in a different way, you can always buy me a coffee ^_^