esp32-arduino-svelte-template Svelte Themes

Esp32 Arduino Svelte Template

Svelte template to be used with esp32 with arduino framework

ESP-32 Svelte Project Template

ESP32 is a low-cost MCU that is very rich in features and of course portable. Meanwhile, Svelte is a compile time front-end framework (basically just HTML + JS compiler) that outputs responsive UI without relying on vDOM like React or Vue. This template ease uploading static assets to ESP32 persistent memory (in this case, SPIFFS is used).


  • Node.js
  • Python 3.x
  • Arduino-CLI (in PATH) is recommended, or
  • Arduino SDK (installed with Arduino IDE)
    • If using IDE 1.x, just use Arduino extension for Visual Studio Code, or the IDE itself.
    • Just the same for IDE 2.x, but this version also has built-in Arduino-CLI (usually NOT in PATH, put the path to cli to cli in arduino-config.json).
    • Or if you don't feel like it, we'll download it for you. Just run upload/deploy script.
      • Use Visual Studio Code

      Getting started

  • Clone this repo.
  • npm i
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • npm run upload port=COM7 to upload web server assets to SPIFFS of esp32 at COM7.
  • npm run deploy to deploy program (script automatically use previous set port: COM7).

Port is saved as port configuration in arduino-config.json. Set this value or call upload/deploy with port argument provided. Subsequent calls of those scripts do not need port to be provided. Exception will be thrown if port configuration is undefined or is an empty string.

Board configuration is default to DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V! (set as board in arduino-config.json). List avaiable esp32 boards with npm run lisboards command.

NPM Scripts

  • build, dev, start: Svelte scripts to build/watch/test web server on localhost.
  • mkfs: Build SPIF file system (.spiffs.bin) from public folder.
  • upload: Build SPIFFS from public folder then upload to esp32, accept port argument with port=PORT.
  • deploy: Upload arduino program to esp32, accept port argument with port=PORT.
  • listboards: List all available esp32 boards, set accordingly in board in arduino-config.json

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