svelte-template-wps Svelte Themes

Svelte Template Wps

Template for svelte apps with webpack and webpack-plugin-serve

Svelte App

This is my personal webpack template for svelte apps. It leverages a more modern webpack development server called webpack-plugin-serve.

The svelte bits are borrowed from sveltejs/template-webpack, the officially supported svelte webpack template.

To create a new project, use degit:

npx degit davidroeca/svelte-template-wps app
cd app

You will need node 10.0.0+ installed on your machine.

Get started

cd app
yarn install
# OR
npm install

Then start the dev server

yarn start
# OR
npm run start

Navigate to localhost:8000 to see the app. It has live reloading supported until HMR is sorted out.

Production build

yarn build
# OR
npm run build

Deploy these files however you see fit.

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