

eslint-prettier-svelte combo

Very centralized setup for very pretty JavaScript


Author of this composite package only provided some glue in a few hours / now turning into days (a lot of experimentation, blog posts and dead ends...), this is hard work of many people, in total 8145+ files here... and a few days of gluing it all together in a non-fragile and efficient way.

"Centralized" means: on your own machine... one true source of what your JavaScript should look like ... before tackling this kind of new setup, I had config files and libraries all around my computer and I could not implement any changes or upgrades to the system (like adding Svelte support) at all.

Centralized setup for pretty and correct JavaScript 🚀

Goals - to establish:

  • linting (showing visually where code could be better) (via ESLint, of course)
  • rewriting code by pre-programmed standards (via Prettier, of course)

For this code:

  • Modern JavaScript (nodejs, browser)
  • Svelte components
  • Other frontend JS frameworks as well


Clone this repo

mkdir ~/Misc
cd ~/Misc
git clone

Install these Sublime Packages via SublimeText Package Control:

Install this one manually:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages
git clone
cd SublimeJsPrettier

Configure packages:

Open your SublimeText editor, then follow in the menu:

MENU: SublimeText (BOLD, left top corner) / Preferences / Package Settings / SublimeLinter / Settings

Paste in right window (or just add the bold key - args):

    // Linter specific settings.
    // More info:
    // Linter specific settings except for "styles" can also be changed
    // in sublime-project settings.
    // What settings are available is documented in the readme of the
    // specific linter plugin.
    // Example:
    "linters": {
        // The name of the linter you installed
        "eslint": {
            "excludes": ["*/*.html"],
            "args": ["-c", "~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/.eslintrc.json",
                     "--resolve-plugins-relative-to", "~/Misc/CodeLintEslint"],
            "selector": "text.html.svelte, source.svelte - meta.attribute-with-value"

Open your SublimeText editor, then follow in the menu:

MENU: SublimeText (BOLD, left top corner) / Preferences / Settings (or OPTION+,)

Update or add (in right window) the key "js_prettier":


      "--plugin-search-dir": "~/Misc/CodeLintEslint"
    "allow_inline_formatting": false,
    "auto_format_on_save": true,
    "debug": false,
    "node_path": "",
    "prettier_cli_path": "~/bin/prettier",
      "arrowParens": "avoid",
      "printWidth": 160,
      "singleQuote": true,
      "tabWidth": 2,
      "trailingComma": "none",
      "useTabs": false

Change prettier_options field according to your needs. If .prettierrc is present in the project locally, it will use these options instead.

It is good to exactly specify the path to prettier binary (prettier_cli_path) than to let SublimeJsPrettier to try to resolve the path because this only caused problems!

Downside is that even if project includes prettier package with some specific version, our global version (hopefully always up to date) will be used... and we hope that packages a) were also using the latest prettier b) prettier hasn't changed the API in between these versions if they are different

cd ~/bin

ln -s ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js eslint
ln -s ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js prettier

This is also needed so that SublimeText can find the global prettier install if it is not installed locally in the project. See docs here.

Currently open problems:

(Welcome to help solve! ... but not neccessary, will be done no matter what ⚔️)

Problem #1

Cannot make .svelte files prettier from SublimeText 😭

Manual pretty command like this works:

function pretty {
  ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js --config ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/prettier.config.js --plugin-search-dir ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint "$@"
cd ~/.dmt/core/node/dmt-fasterix/svelte/src
pretty App.svelte

but via PrettyJsSublime it does not!

it executes this command:

~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js --parser svelte --use-tabs false --loglevel debug --config ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/prettier.config.js --plugin-search-dir ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint --with-node-modules ~/.dmt/core/node/dmt-fasterix/svelte/src/App.svelte

from $HOME

Problem output (it cannot find the svelte library to use for prettyfy-ing):

david@eclipse:~$ ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js --parser svelte --use-tabs false --loglevel debug --config ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint/prettier.config.js --plugin-search-dir ~/Misc/CodeLintEslint --with-node-modules ~/.dmt/core/node/dmt-fasterix/svelte/src/App.svelte
[debug] normalized argv: {"_":["/Users/david/.dmt/core/node/dmt-fasterix/svelte/src/App.svelte"],"color":true,"editorconfig":true,"use-tabs":false,"with-node-modules":true,"parser":"svelte","loglevel":"debug","config":"/Users/david/Misc/CodeLintEslint/prettier.config.js","plugin-search-dir":["/Users/david/Misc/CodeLintEslint"],"plugin":[],"ignore-path":".prettierignore","debug-repeat":0,"config-precedence":"cli-override"}
[debug] load config file from '/Users/david/Misc/CodeLintEslint/prettier.config.js'
[debug] loaded options `{"plugins":["svelte"],"printWidth":160,"singleQuote":true,"trailingComma":"none"}`
[error] Unable to expand glob patterns: /Users/david/.dmt/core/node/dmt-fasterix/svelte/src/App.svelte !**/.{git,svn,hg}/** !./.{git,svn,hg}/**
[error] Cannot find module 'svelte' from '/Users/david'

Problem #2 (not yet sure if it's a problem)

Could not set up prettier plugins / rules in .eslintrc.json so that any possible differences between current setup and prettier would get marked better (or something!! ?)

Perhaps check .eslintrc-options/.eslintrc-prettier-basic.json

Problem #3

Eslint does not work on normal .js files if selector svelte is used in SublimeLinter config!!

Problem #4

prettier does not work on normal .js files either if plugin - svelte is setup in prettier.config.js

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