How to Recreate

Make svelte debug in vscode and view the output.

  • have src/routes/+page.svelte open in client project to force svelte lsp to load and tsconfig
  • have src/lib/Button.svelte open in shared project
  • Remove the top line <script lang="ts"> completely from the Button.svelte file in shared and save.
  • Add it back.
  • LSP will now output Error: Debug Failure. False expression: Script kind should match provided ScriptKind:3 and sourceFile.scriptKind: 1, !entry: false on every file save.
  • ADD a new file svelte file in the shared project inside lib, can be named anything.
  • new error is logged Error: Could not find source file:
  • Only way around this is to restart the LSP and ts-server

whilst intellisense works with these errors, on larger projects this eventually removes all intellisense and type checking in a file.


Changing the shared projects tsconfig to module resulution to "moduleResolution": "Bundler" seems to prevent this issue, however after about 20-30 mins I seem to get the Error: Debug Failure. False expression: Script kind should match provided ScriptKind:3 and sourceFile.scriptKind: 1, !entry: false error again, im unable to reproduce this exactly.

Also the sveltekit docs says to use NodeNext resolution: (

So this wouldn't work for people who want to develope the library in realtime in a monorepo and publish it afterwards.

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