single-file-components-for-alpinejs Svelte Themes

Single File Components For Alpinejs

Svelte/Vue-inspired single-file components compiler for Alpine.js

Single File Components for Alpine.js

Svelte-inspired single-file components compiler for Alpine.js


I love the simplicity of Alpine.js, but on bigger projects it can become a challenge to keep your code organized and modular.

Inspired by the way Svelte compiles your single file components into browser-friendly javascript, I created a simple compiler for Alpinejs. You write your code in single-file-component-style, and the build script compiles it to browser-friendly javascript, html and css. It also features live-reload, so every time you save changes to a single file component, the build script compiles your code and runs it. Although this is a basic POC, in its current form it does help you to better organize your code.

Tailwind CSS integrated

Because Alpine.js and Tailwind go so well together, I've also integrated Tailwind into the build process: every time you save a file in the src directory, Tailwind automatically scans your components to see which classes you've used. It then rebuilds the tailwind.css file in the dist folder.

If you don't want to use Tailwind, just remove the following part from package.json:

&& npx tailwindcss -i ./src/tailwind.css -o ./dist/tailwind.css

How to install?

  1. run npx degit
  2. run npm install and then npm run dev to run the example components

How to create a single-file component?

Create a new .html file in src/components, with the following structure:

  <!-- This is where the html of your component goes -->
  <div class="example" x-init="init()" x-data="example()">
    <div x-text="title"></div>

  // This is where your javascript goes
  function example() {
    return {
      title: "Hello world",
      init() {
        console.log('Example component loaded');

  /* this is where your CSS goes */
    border: 1px solid #DDD;
    padding: 10px;

The order of the template-, script- and css- tags is up to your own preference. When you run npm run dev or npm run build the compiler goes through all the components and automatically splits and minifies/uglifies the JS, CSS and HTML into dist/assets. It also copies index.html to the dist folder.

To load a component on the page, create a custom element in index.html that corresponds to the filename of your component. So if your component is called card.html, create a custom element <card></card> in index.html. You can also load multiple instances of the component on the page, without duplicating the javascript or CSS.

Take a look at components/card.html to see how well this concept actually fits Alpinejs: each component has its own data-'controller', while sharing data between components is easy via the global store (in index.html). And of course, all templating-directives are available to you (x-for, x-if, x-text, etc.)

What it's not

This script is simply meant to help you write Alpine.js code in a more modular way, but isn't a module bundler or js framework. Let me know if there are any features/improvements you'd like to see.

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