svelte-audio-player Svelte Themes

Svelte Audio Player

Svelte Audio Player Package

A customizable HTML audio player built with Svelte. Demo Player Link →


  • Play/Pause
  • Previous/Next
  • Shuffle/Repeat
  • Volume Control
  • Mute/Unmute
  • Time Duration and Elapsed Time
  • Customizable SVG Icons (in dev)
  • Settings Presets: Minimal, Normal, Full (in dev)


npm install svelte-audio-player
yarn add svelte-audio-player

Integtation for Svelte

To use the AudioPlayer component in your Svelte application, follow these steps:

  1. Import the AudioPlayer component from the package.
  2. Include the component in your Svelte template.
  import AudioPlayer from 'svelte-audio-player/src/components/AudioPlayer.svelte';

      src: '',
      author: 'ЁЛКА',
      title: 'Мне Легко',
      src: '',
      author: 'ISB',
      title: 'Who I Am',
      src: '',
      author: 'ЁЛКА X АНТ',
      title: 'Комната',
      src: '',
      author: 'ЁЛМАРИ КРАЙМБРЕРИ',
      title: 'Океан',
      src: '',
      author: 'ПОЛИНА ГАГАРИНА',
      title: 'На Расстоянии',

You can customize the player by passing props to the component. Refer to the documentation for available options.

This is a basic implementation. You can further customize the styles and functionality as needed.

Integtation for html projects

To use the AudioPlayer component in any JavaScript project, follow these steps:

  1. Install the package using npm.
  2. Import the AudioPlayer component into your project.
  3. Include the component in your HTML or JavaScript file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
    <title>Svelte Audio Player Integration</title>
    <!-- common styles -->
    <!-- svelte audio player styles -->
    <div id="svelte-audio-player"></div>
    <script type="module">
      import AudioPlayer from './build/bundle.js'

      const app = new AudioPlayer({
        target: document.getElementById('svelte-audio-player'),
        props: {
          tracks: [
              src: '',
              author: 'ЁЛКА',
              title: 'Мне Легко',
              src: '',
              author: 'ISB',
              title: 'Who I Am',
              src: '',
              author: 'ЁЛКА X АНТ',
              title: 'Комната',
              src: '',
              author: 'ЁЛМАРИ КРАЙМБРЕРИ',
              title: 'Океан',
              src: '',
              author: 'ПОЛИНА ГАГАРИНА',
              title: 'На Расстоянии',

Dev mode

yarn dev

use Live share extention for live reload propject in dev mode

Prod mode

yarn build

this command minify bundle for use in prod

Font Family is stored in the Google Fonts Collection

LATO — Regular & Bold

Designed by Rustam Samiev

Profile Bento // GitHUB // Player Figma Files

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