Simple-Twidderv2 Svelte Themes

Simple Twidderv2

Svelte implementation of my first mini twidder clone I made three years ago.


Rebuilding my first simple twitter clone using Svelte for practice.

Built With


  • Clone the repository using git clone
  • Migrate the necessary information to your local .env as described in the .env_sample file
  • Run go build to create a root level Simple-Twidderv2.exe file, and then run .\Simple-Twidderv2 to run the executable. If an executable is not needed, simply input go run main.go instead, or .\fresh to enable a server restart on change.
  • cd into the client2 folder, and run npm start to the Vite server, which should be on port 5173


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Feel free to leave suggestions as well, I'm always looking for ways to improve!

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