emoji-randomizer Svelte Themes

Emoji Randomizer

This is a small app made with Svelte. The creates a random list of emoji, which can be filtered. With this these emoji you can flair up your messages, create a brandsprint name or even tell a little story.

Emoji Randomizer

This is a small app made with Svelte. The creates a random list of emoji, which can be filtered. With this these emoji you can flair up your messages, create a brandsprint name or even tell a little story.


You can a view demo view here, in the Svelte REPL.

Otherwise, you can run this project locally by following these steps

Clone this repository by running:

git clone https://github.com/daoneandonly/emoji-randomizer.git

Go to the folder and install dependencies:

cd emoji-randomizer
yarn install

And run the project

yarn dev

Note that you will need to have Node.js installed.

Navigate to localhost:5000, and the app should be running.

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