SvelteKit ❤️ Windi CSS template
- @sveltejs/adapter-static 1.0.0-next.27
- @sveltejs/kit 1.0.0-next.263
- svelte 3.46.4
- svelte-preprocess 4.10.3
- vite-plugin-windicss 1.7.0
- Store using localstorage for theme
- Dark mode correctly before everything get rendered
- Dark mode for Windi CSS typography plugin
- Prettier
- ESlint

Live Demo
Running the project
Clone this repo and cd to the directory, then run npm or yarn
pnpx degit dansvel/sveltekit-windicss myproject ## or npx
cd myproject
pnpm i ## or npm or yarn
pnpm run dev
## to generate static web
pnpm run build