sveltekit-typescript-postcss-tailwind3 Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Typescript Postcss Tailwind3

my SvelteKit + Tailwind 3 boilerplate

SvelteKit (vite) using typescript with Tailwind


Now version 0.1.0

  • Upgraded to the latest deps including Tailwind 3
  • fixed configurations

Now version 0.0.4

Looks like this will be the last beta version, hope the stable version will be released soon.

Still using postcss-preset-env to postcss-nested, feel free to replace it back

version 0.0.3

  • SvelteKit beta
  • using @tailwindcss/jit
  • replace postcss-preset-env to postcss-nested, feel free to replace it back
  • add transition

version 0.0.2



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Running the project

Clone this repo and cd to the directory, then run npm or yarn

pnpx degit dansvel/sveltekit-typescript-postcss-tailwind2 myproject
cd myproject
pnpm install ## or npm or yarn
pnpm run dev

Open up your favorite browser, go to localhost:3000 and try clicking around.

Or you can play with the code, just check src/routes/index.svelte and try to edit the something.

build and generate static web

pnpm run build

with the command above, now you can generate static web, you can deploy the project in netlify, begin, vercel or else



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