daysWebApp Svelte Themes


This is an early work in progress for the Days platform. Days is a mobile app written in React Native. This application on the other hand is the web app equivalent to the mobile app. This application is written in Svelte/Sapper.

Click here to go to Days Demo website

A web application written in Svelte and Sapper, using Typescript

Days is a mobile application written in react native. The source code for that project will be open sourced soon. On the other hand, this project is the upcoming web application.

This application should have the same functionality as the app. The following technology is used to make this happen.

  • Svelte Front end technology similar to React or Vue.
  • Sapper Next.js for the Svelte world
  • Rollup Rollup is a module bundler for JavaScript similar to Webpack
  • Tailwindcss for a utility first CSS workflow.
  • Firebase DaaS platform by google
  • Typescript Types added to Javascript
  • Dato CMS Headless CMS



This website is hosted on Vercel A cloud platform for serverless deployment.

To check out deployment logs and configuration go to: Vercel Dashboard

This project uses continuous integration

  npm run build
  npm run export
  git add .
  git commit -m "🚀 your commit message"
  git push

Note! To add routes that are not linked via a href tag, add an invisible a tag, otherwise sapper wount export the route to the
__sapper__/export folder

  <div style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute">
    <a href="/dashboard">...</a>

After the changes have been pushed to master, A Vercel deployment is triggered.

Running the project

Once you have created the project, install dependencies and run the project in development mode:

cd daysWebApp
npm install
npm run dev

This will start the development server on localhost:3000. Open it and click around.

Dato CMS

Dato CMS is an awesome headless cms.

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