sveltefire_fork Svelte Themes



A library that massively oversimplifies the usage of firebase with svelte(kit)

This is an extended library of SvelteFire (created by Fireship)



  • The project uses vite as the build tool (also good for manual testing)
  • Automatically initializes firebase app, auth and firestore. You just have to provide your firebase credentials
  • Organized components into separate folders like auth and firestore
  • Typed authStore, docStore, collectionStore and collectionGroupStore more strictly


  • Added user loading state
  • Added SignInButton and SignOutButton. You can pass in the persistence and an AuthProvider into SignInButton
  • Added a customizable PersistenceCheckbox
  • Added customizable EmailPwSignInForm and EmailPwSignInForm, both of which have default templates.
  • Added EmailVerification, which handles all the email verification.
  • Added EmailVerified, which ensures, that the user's email is verified, or else they will be shown the EmailVerification
  • Added AuthReloadButton


  • Added a CustomDocumentData, which directly has all the data, (no need to call .data()), __ref from the reference of the document, __id and __exists
  • Added support for collectionGroup with collectionGroupStore and a CollectionGroup component
  • Typed Doc, Collection and CollectionGroup: data will never be null, it will always be real data or the data you provide as startWith

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