
Svelte Tailwind Firebase

A Svelte starter including Tailwind, Typescript and Firebase (auth)

Svelte + TS + Tailwind + Firebase Auth

How to use it?

1. Clone repository

git clone

2. Install dependencies

pnpm install

3. Run project

pnpm run dev

At this point you will have a Firebase error saying that credentials are missing. It's ok, in the next step we will create a Firebase project.

Create a Firebase project

1. Open the Firebase console

Firebase Console

2. Create a project

Just follow steps, you can disable Google Analytics as we don't need it.

3. Get project credentials

On the overview page, you will see an iOs, an Android and a Web buttons just under the title.

  • Click on the web button.
  • Name your application as you want.
  • Don't need to check Hosting.
  • Then you will see your credentials like that
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: ******,
  authDomain: ******,
  projectId: ******,
  storageBucket: ******,
  messagingSenderId: ******,
  appId: ******,

4. Add credentials to your app

Inside your root folder, create a .env file and then add your credentials like that:

VITE_FB_APP_ID = ******

5. Reload your dev server

Some times Vite auto-reload dev server with new .env file, but you can just kill your dev server and then re do

pnpm run dev


1. Google oAuth on custom domain

If you deploy this app on a web server, as vercel or netflix or whatever, you need to do an extra step for the Google oAuth to works.

Go to Firebase Google oAuth Settings

Then Allowed Domains and add your web app's domain.

2. Vercel.json

In order to makes the web app to works on a Vercel environment, I have to add a vercel.json inside the root folder. You can remove it if you don't use Vercel.


If you have some questions, you can contact me at

If you want to improve this starter, feel free to create a PR

If you have issues, feel free to create an issue

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