Stay tuned
Build notes: using gitpkg to depend on a nested folder in a git repo. This should be a temporary state, until osm2streets-svelte is on NPM.
An example is the thicken tab -- after clicking a road on the map, we want to display info in the sidebar, but also query the map rendered features. How to plumb everything?
Option 1: Treat the map as a global variable, just sticking it in a store. Generally assume it's loaded and available by the time something like the thicken tab component becomes active.
Option 2: Nest everything under the Map component in the component tree. Effectively the same, but feels more convoluted.
Option 3: Decouple stuff. First plumb an event "up" from the map. Higher up in the App, have some kind of state. Then flow that down as a prop into the sidebar, and maybe even to another component in the map. Sometimes this feels like a nice solution (in SPC, it separates concerns). But it doesn't let us query the map as part of an analysis.
Option 4: Keep it nested under the map, but have some magic Svelte trick for mounting the component's DOM piece under some other part of the page?