Discord4KaiOS Svelte Themes


Discord-KaiOS-Unofficial but svelte

Give me money so I can continue making this app

the end goal here is to have a usable discord client for KaiOS 2.5.x, I have no plans on fully replicating a discord client.

if you're on KaiOS 3.x use https://github.com/diamondburned/kaicord/ instead

Development and testing

npm run dev builds the app in watch mode and serves the site. Great for testing the app in a desktop browser.

Deploying to a device

  1. Connect your device to your computer and make sure it appears in WebIDE.
  2. npm install install dependencies, run it when package.json is modified or if you are building for the first time.
  3. npm run build
  4. In WebIDE, load the /dist folder as a packaged app.


(stuff mentioned here are libraries where the code was modified)

Special Thanks!

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