figma-sdk Svelte Themes

Figma Sdk

An SDK for creating Figma plugins using Svelte

moonrepo Monorepo Template

Monorepo template using moon, Yarn, Packemon, ESLint, Jest, Prettier, TypeScript, Vite, Vitest, Astro.

Read also:

This template was based on the moonrepo examples repository

A collection of packages and applications using moon and popular tooling.


To begin, we suggest installing moon globally:

Once installed, run the following commands for common tasks:

  • moon check --all - Run all tasks (below).
  • moon run :build - Build all projects.
  • moon run :lint - Lint code in all projects.
  • moon run :test - Run tests in all projects.
  • moon run :format - Format code in all projects.
  • moon run :typecheck - Type check code in all projects.

Tasks can also be focused to individual projects. The list of projects can be found in .moon/workspace.yml.

  • moon check <project>
  • moon run <project>:<task>
  • moon run <project>:dev - For applications, starts the development server.


The following tools are configured as moon tasks.

  • ESLint
  • Jest
  • Packemon
  • Prettier
  • TypeScript
  • Vite + Vitest


The following frameworks have been integrated into this template.

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