

Docker compose development environment for Echo/Go backend + Svelte frontend + Caddy to serve static assets and proxy and Postgres as database.


Docker compose development environment for the following stack:

Echo/Go backend + Svelte frontend + Caddy to serve static assets and proxy and Postgres as database.

This setup is really just meant to imitate local development environment with hot reloading while also allowing you to test production-like served assets / routes / proxying with Caddy. Though this setup would need to be tweaked to actually serve properly for production. Its mostly for my own use-case and interest of learning and automating my local dev environments but feel free to use or take what you want from it.

Service Container Images

  • golang:1.21-alpine (backend)
  • caddy:2.7.6-alpine (caddy)
  • postgres:16-alpine (db)
  • node:20-alpine (frontend)

Main Dependency Versions

  • Go 1.21
  • Echo v4
  • Svelte 3.x
  • Vite 4.x
  • Postgres 16

Instructions to run

Docker + Docker Compose is required. The containers take ~10s to ~20s to come up all the way. Source code folders backend/frontend are mounted into the containers so we can support hot reloads. If you save an erroring line the container can possibly exit so just docker compose up -d and itll restart the stopped ones once you fix your code.

From the root project directory, to get the containers built and up and running:

docker compose up

or to bring them up in background to get your terminal back

docker compose up -d

To view/follow the logs of all service containers

docker compose logs -f


  • Caddy is reachable on port 80, will serve Svelte static files out on http://localhost. This will serve production like assets which are only built on launch of the container or if you manually run the npm run build command against the running container.

  • Go/Echo server is meant to be serving a REST API that Svelte would tap on for data. So all your routes would ideally be prefixed with /api since caddy proxy passes to Echo using that suffix. So Svelte would consume the API via fetch('http://localhost/api/....') or Axios requests, etc.

  • Go/Echo dev server is directly reachable on port 8000 - http://localhost:8000/api - hot reload is enabled.

  • Svelte (vite dev server) is directly reachable on port 3000 - http://localhost:3000/ - hot reload is enabled.

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