svelte-transitioner Svelte Themes

Svelte Transitioner

Svelte/SvelteKit customisable transition hooks



A Svele/SvelteKit plugin that adds new hooks for customizing mount / unmount transitions.


yarn add svelte-transitioner


  • Customize your own transitions with ease using custom hooks
  • Compatible with GSAP timelines
  • Synchromous transitions, no overlapping between previous Out with the current In transition


This plugin adds the following hooks:

  • onGlobalInit: a hook responsible for executing custom code when mounting any of the child components
  • onInit: a hook responsible for executing custom code on the current component
  • globalIntro: a hook that can execute the same custom transition when mounting any of the child components
  • intro: a hook that can execute a transition when mounting a component
  • globalOutro: a hook that can execute the same custom transition when unmounting any of the child components
  • outro: a hook that can execute a transition when unmounting a component

for the on*Init hooks, they will be called like the following:

onInit((node) => {
    // node is the current mounted node

as for the *intro or *outro callbacks, it can be used in two ways:

intro((node, t) => {
    // node is the current mounted node
    // t is the current transition animation
    // 1000 is the duration of the transition
}, 1000)

// Or you can use a GSAP Timeline callback instead, like the following
intro((node) => {
    const tl = gsap.timeline({
        paused: true
    }), {
        duration: 1,
        yPercent: -100,

    return tl

One thing to keep in mind, in order for all the above hooks to work, we have to use some wrapper components:

  • TransitionLayout: this should be used in the parent components that will contains all the transitioned components.
  • Transitioner: this should be wrapped around the components that you want to apply transitions to.

So for example in a SvelteKit project, we can have the following:


    import { onGlobalInit, globalIntro, globalOutro, TransitionLayout } from 'svelte-transitioner'

    onGlobalInit((node) => {

    globalIntro((node) => {
        return gsap.timeline({ paused: true })
    globalOutro((node, t) => {

    <slot />


    import { onInit, intro, outro, Transitioner } from 'svelte-transitioner'

    onInit((node) => {

    intro((node) => {
        return gsap.timeline({ paused: true })
    outro((node, t) => {

    <a href="/one">one.svelte</a>


    import { onInit, intro, outro, Transitioner } from 'svelte-transitioner'

    onInit((node) => {

    intro((node) => {
        return gsap.timeline({ paused: true })
    outro((node, t) => {

    <a href="/">index.svelte</a>


  • re-work repo examples
  • optimise
  • add some tests

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