WebApp Svelte Themes


ESILV-S8-Web Applications (Svelte Client and NodeJs server)

Frontend - Web Applications - Hugo Sanchez

🌟 Goal

Faire un Frontend qui permet d'afficher, modifier et supprimer les locations en fonction du rôles des utilisateurs


  1. Le back utilisé est également dans ce répertoire (dossier ./serveur). J'ai du modifier le port d'écoute (--> port 5000)
  2. Une erreur que j'ai pas su identifier persiste : Lors du clic sur 'Locations' sur la page d'accueil, il faut parfois actualiser la page pour que le CSS soit correctement pris en compte (et dès fois non).

🗒 Dépendances

  1. Dans un terminal sur le dossier serveur :
     npm install
     npm run start
  2. Dans un terminal sur le dossier client :
     npm install
     npm run dev

🔨 User Stories

- [x] US1 : As a random visitor, I want to be able to register 
an account or log-in, so I can access all features

- [x] US2: As a random visitor, I want to be redirected to the login/register
 page when I click on “location" tab, so that I know I must log-in to see its content

- [x] As a logged-in user, I want to see locations and be able to click on
 one location to open a modal containing details, so that the website is useful

- [x] US4: As an “admin" user, I want to see a “Add Location” button in
 the location page, so that I can create a new location

- [x] US5: As an “admin" user, I want to see a button to edit locations
 in the array of locations, so that I can edit existing locations

- [x] US6: As an “admin" user, I want to see a button to delete locations
in the array of locations so that I can delete existing locations

- [x] ADD: As a normal user, I want to be redirected if i try to accee
 to admin page such as `/locations/add` 

Now that you have unlocked your skills 🔓, it's up to you 👊!

Docker implementation (not started yet !) : docker-compose

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