Faire un Frontend qui permet d'afficher, modifier et supprimer les locations en fonction du rôles des utilisateurs
:npm install npm run start
:npm install npm run dev
- [x] US1 : As a random visitor, I want to be able to register
an account or log-in, so I can access all features
- [x] US2: As a random visitor, I want to be redirected to the login/register
page when I click on “location" tab, so that I know I must log-in to see its content
- [x] As a logged-in user, I want to see locations and be able to click on
one location to open a modal containing details, so that the website is useful
- [x] US4: As an “admin" user, I want to see a “Add Location” button in
the location page, so that I can create a new location
- [x] US5: As an “admin" user, I want to see a button to edit locations
in the array of locations, so that I can edit existing locations
- [x] US6: As an “admin" user, I want to see a button to delete locations
in the array of locations so that I can delete existing locations
- [x] ADD: As a normal user, I want to be redirected if i try to accee
to admin page such as `/locations/add`
Docker implementation (not started yet !) : docker-compose