CoVerified is a tool to show your websites users important and verified information about the COVID-19 outbreak
It's as easy as adding
<script async src=""></script>
to your website. This will load our tool and place it on your website.
We'll take care of updating the information with new, important and verified Data. 100% Fake-News free.
Position it where you want like so:
coverified-widget {
left: 5rem;
top: 5rem;
right: auto;
bottom: auto;
Adjust the primary color via CSS custom properties
coverified-widget {
--color-primary: #bf1e3a;
Note that you will need to have Node.js installed.
Install the dependencies...
...then start Rollup:
yarn dev
Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see your app running. Edit a component file in src
, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.
By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost. To allow connections from other computers, edit the sirv
commands in package.json to include the option --host
To create an optimised version of the app:
yarn build
You can run the newly built app with yarn start
We'd like you to follow our Code of Conduct
This project was initially started during the #wirvsvirus hackathon