deno run -A npm:sv@latest create my-app
cd my-app
deno install
deno fmt
deno add --dev npm:@types/deno npm:@sveltejs/adapter-node
deno remove @sveltejs/adapter-auto
Update svelte.config.js
- import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-auto";
+ import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-node";
Install dependencies
deno install
Run the dev server
deno task dev
deno task build
Preview the production build
deno task preview
Run production server
deno run -REN build/index.js
Create project on deno deploy and link repo
Svelte will be automatically selected as the framework preset
Open advanced settings
deno install
deno task build
Alternatively, deploy from the command line:
deno task build
cd build
deployctl deploy --project=<project-name> --entrypoint=index.js