collage-builder Svelte Themes

Collage Builder

Svelte demo app that integrates with Google Photos


Svelte demo app that integrates with Google Photos

The purpose is to learn Svelte and the Google API for Google Photos but I also want to build a voice and REPL tool for building collages

What is next?

  • UX: The logo animation needs work...font too large, no transition in sub-title
  • Clicking "Sign In" should present the photo albums as well as the search-by-date

Build the scaffolding

I used create vite and followed the prompts, I selected the "Svelte" and "Typescript"

npm create vite@latest collage-builder

Setup to deploy to Netlify

Open on netlify.

Setup Google Cloud

Add '' to the list of acceptable servers

Setup Google OAUTH and API

Consume the "Google Applications API" and "Sign In With Google" and "Google Identity Services authorization API".

About url
gapi.client.photoslibrary ""
google.accounts.oauth2 ""

The Google API Client Library for JavaScript are the client proxies for accessing Google services.

The Sign In With Google provides OAUTH2 authentication logic.

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