
A Svelte Floating Window component.

(note: version 1.0.2 ... still version 3 svelte. Fixed: resizing percentage stuck on initialization.)

Include it in your Svelte App

npm install svelte-float-window
import FloatWindow from "svelte-float-window";

Use it in your Svelte App

// There has to be a call that opens the window 
// start_floating_window takes the window index={number}
// see the floating window attributes
function some_button_click(ev) {
    let id =
    let window_select_num = function_returning_int_based_on_click_source(id);

let all_window_scales = [
    { "w" : w_percent_0, "h" : h_percent_0 },
    { "w" : w_percent_1, "h" : h_percent_1 }

<FloatWindow title={FirstWindowTitle} index={0} scale_size_array={all_window_scales[0]} >
    <InternalComponentType1 {...one_thing} />

<FloatWindow title={SecondWindowTitle} index={1} scale_size_array={all_window_scales[1]} >
    <InternalComponentType1 {...another_thing}  />



In general, there are interesting interface problems that are being solved as part of copious-world. And, in creating this repository, the author is looking to pass on some experience and get infrastructure taken care of for site building, specific topics of use, and to help the world in general get their enterprises up quickly and cheaply. This author favors the independent operator, the libertarian mindset, and values family and community.

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