This module exposes a set of classes that manage search queries on meta data descriptors, and also that provide system routines that injest meta data newely introduced into derived applications' local databases.
It is an application of the copious-registry module.
This module is called a little
searcher because it is intentionally a small amount of code that does not attempt to do too much by itself.
This module provides configurable search behavior with a simplistic default solution. In the default case, this module provides searching and object management on small lists of objects stored in JavaScript data structures.
In the configured varieties, this provide a proxy interface to anything that will implement the interface. (The anything
here might be a data center.) It provides some data management on results in order to marshal them to the clients such as browsers looking for types of entries. So, the final array of results will be finally produced by this module and be returned from the method get_search
This module can also be used as a data manager class within another application. It can retrieve specific entries or a set of fuzzy matches as needed. It is in some sense a container with possible fuzzy searching features, where the fuzzy features are provided by applications implementing good_match
and score_match
npm install -s copious-little-searcher
There are three special fields that the little-searchers will use when dealing with JSON objects that it receives. Theses are the following:
Applications using little-searchers should produce objects with these fields. The application can make values for these fields, and must for _tracking. _tracking must be unique - unless the application has use for collisions. The score field will be overwritten in any case, and it will be added if it is not in the application JSON objects sent to the little-searchers. The dates field has a specific format. The following will clarify these requirements.
Currently, one application service calls upon these classes for serving meta data to a blog interface. Those can be found in the following repository mini_link_servers.
The mini-link-servers are polka (or express or fastify) apps that can relay UI sourced queries to the search module. The search module uses the matching method defined by the searcher app to discover records, and then it returns the records in an array to be sent back to the UI (client).
Records are JSON objects that include meta data information about media that might be one of several types, perhaps that might be audio or movies from a streaming sevice or perhaps it might be blog entries. Important to the meta-data usage is a field in each JSON object, _tracking. The _tracking field is used to locate the object for list management purposes.
Processes outside the server application may deliver a new record containing a _tracking field. How the field value is defined is managed by the application processes. For example, the server found in copious-blog-entries will write data to directories that the little-searchers application can respond to if its directory-watcher class is in use. (the watchers are provided by copious-registry). Watchers or internet endpoints (subscribers - say) configured into a littel-searcher descendant class may respond to the the new meta data entry by calling a method called add_just_one with the JSON object as its parameter.
The field, _tracking is expected. The little-searcher application cannot respond to an object that does not have it. There is one more field that should be supplied by the application, dates.
The dates field is a structure indicating the time of creation and update. If the dates field is not present, the little-searcher will assume that the object it is adding is new and add a dates field to the object.
Here is the dates field structure:
.dates = {
"created" : <some number>,
"updated" :
The meta data JSON object would certainly have other fields than _tracking. These other fields can be used in the search. They are to be handled by the application methods in descendant classes. The litte-searchers use scores from the application matching methods and orders search results by the score.
The applications' class that descends from the class Searching must implement the methods good_match
The good_match function returns a boolean, which should be true if the score is above some application defined threshold. The good_match method must add the score to the meta data JSON object.
The score field to be added is score.
The query string accepted by the method, get_search, is a Sheffer stroke delimited string containing two parts. For example:
query = "<URI encoded text>|score"
let [match_text,order_by] = query.split('|')
match_text = decodeURIComponent(match_text)
The second part of the query string may have one of the following values:
For the first three vales, create_date, update_date, score, the following holds:
values result in the application ofgood_match
to all the objects in the global iterable. The walk of the list will happen at least once while the application runs, and it may happen if the particular search,score
is called so infrequenty that it is pruned.As many query results as requested or can be returned; that is, up to the specified limit (box_count) will be put in the results list, and the list will be sorted according to the fields belonging to the objects in the search results. If it is the case that the match string (first part of the query) is a wildcard or empty and that the orderby parameter cannot be discerned from the query string, the defaul will be to use create_date.
are special directives._zz_srch_X_field: will use the value of the match text to compare with the value of a field in an object by exact string comparison.
_zz_srch_X_func.. will use the value in the match text as JavaScript code and evaluate it. The function should be a boolean function that accepts a meta data JSON object as determined by the applciation. The little-searchers will return a list of all objects for which the function is true.
The javascript expected should be delivered URI encoded. And it should be an assignement of a lambda definition to a particular variable, funcdef. The following is the format:
funcdef = (meta_object) => {
... code that checks the meta object.
bval = true; // if the object checks out
return bval
For the sake of security, only trusted clients might send this to the searching class instance. This uses eval
_zz_srch_X_keyed_func.. will use the value in the match text to lookup a function stored in a configured table (see the configuration description for the class Searching).
This will perform the same search operation as _zz_srch_X_func.., but it will not evaluate any JavaScript code.
This search form may be fairly safe to expose to clients.
_zz_srch_X_id expects the match text to be a particular _tracking number. This result returns exatly one search result.
Here is a list of methods that the Searching class exposes.
Methods that must be implemented by descendants:
Method that are not exposed by this implementation:
First, the two methods that must be impemented by a descendant.
Implementing this is required. The search methods will call this method to objtain a score for evaluating whether an object should be included in search results. If it is included, the resulting value will determine its place in the order of results.
parameters: (f_obj,match_text)
Implementing this is recommended, but not required. It is used by good_match.
parameters: (check_txt,q_list,mult)
Now, the methods the application will use and does not have to override unless it has special needs.
The constuctor uses the conf object. conf.shrinkage is multiplied by score results. conf.search_backup_file specifies a file to store current searches, which will be reloaded at the next startup.
conf = {
"shrinkage" : <number>,
"search_backup_file" : <file on disk drive>
The configuration object may also have a field
. This has to be of type object with string keys and function values. If a value of a field in the table is not a function, it will be removed. All the functions specified should be single paramter functions taking an Object, which should be the type of object stored in the application iterable.The table has to be setup by the application, not just read in as JSON and parsed. The constructor will not parse the functions for the application. So, the map has to be constructed prior to the
new Searching(conf,...)
parameters: (conf,QueryInterfaceClass)
get_search takes in a query string with an expected format. It may use the offset into the search list corresponding to the query. And, it will return as many records as box_count. (see above for the query format)
This method calls
if the query has not yet been created. Otherwise, it looks in its table for a query object which should already contain the results that this method promises to return.
parameters: (query,offset,box_count)
This method will place the meta data object into the general pool of searches. If there are extant queries, this method will attempt to place the object in the queries by running good_match on the object for each query.
This method use the tracking string parameter to search out all references to the meta data JSON object whose _tracking == tracking. This method searches general lists and the lists of all extant queries.
As queries are placed into the little-searchers by the application, they are saved for reuse. Queries maintain lists of search results. At some point, the queries may be too numerous for the stability of the search. So, the application may configure request pruning of old queries, older than delta_timeout.
It is up to the application to call prune. The application may want to set up an interval timer.
This method writes the entire table of queries to a backup file. If do_halt is true, this methods will stop the process from running.
It is up to the application to call backup_searches.
no parameters
This method reads the configured backup file and rebuilds the query table stored by backup_searche
Removes the query from the table of queries. It calls the query
The methods not exposed are still accessible and may be overriden. But, there is no requirement to change them if the other interfaces are kept in tact.
This method creates a new query entry and the calls
. The method,get_search
, will attempt to find an existing query, already run, before calling this method.
This method actually runs the query. It assumes that the parameters passed to it are clean and easily used. For example, it expects that the match text is no longer URI encoded. So, methods wrap this method to prepare the parametes and then put the results in proper containers.
This is an override of a method stubbed out in the copious-registry module. This method runs the
method on the object for a number of queries and then calls on the query object, a version of QueryResult, to inject the object into the query's search order.
This is an override of a method stubbed out in the copious-registry module.
This method attempts to remove the object from all active queries and from any other containers not managed by its parent class.
This method examines every object accessible from the interable stored under the key,
, and checks to see if the text is stored in the namedfield
. If two objects have fields with the same value, the most recently updated one will be returned and searching will stop.This method returns an array of length one, e.g.:
[ <found object> ]
This is the same as the last search_one_all_files but it searches the global file list, the application wide iterable for exact text matching of the field and does not stop. This is a filter on text equality. So, it collects all matches.
This seaches for the the global file list for all objects that pass the function test. So, it is a filter over the global file list.
This is a default class that the searching class will use if the application does not override it by mentioning a new class in the configuration object of the Searching class.
Implementations looking for very efficient searching and sophisticated matching should override this class. However, those classes should implement the interface of this class so that Searching may use it.
Here is a list of methods that the QueryResult class exposes.
Internal methods this uses that are not part of the interface requirement:
The constuctor takes in the query string, possibly in its unprocessed form, and either sets it up for the first time or restores it.
If the
parameter is not present, the construtor will process (clean up) the query and store the result as the query to be used by searching. It will initalize and empty array to hold query result, refs to the objects matching the query.If the
parameter is present, then the contructor will assume the query is in an appropriate form and set the query to be used in searches. It will take the data passed in therestore
object and set the data to be the query's current data.
parameters: (conf,QueryInterfaceClass)
The restore
object should have the following structure:
"query" : "a clean and properly formatted query string"
"stored_data" : [ <data object references>]
set_data sets the stored data to be the data passed.
is some iterable, should be an Array.
parameters: (data)
inject finds a place in the object, obj, in the stored data of the query with respect to the ordering, e.g.
parameters: (obj,ordering)
access attempts to return data from its stored data at an offset for the given
of results. It will discard any objects from its stored data that have been marked for removal as it collects the objects to be returnd.
The mehod returns an object with results and the number of actual results, etc. as follows:
"data" : returned_data, // the data collected by this call
"length" : returned_data.length, // how much data it returned
"offset" : offset, // the number of results skipped in the ordering
"count" : count // number of data element in the stored data - total
parameters: (offset,count)
Returns the data in a form that can later be used to restore the query. This is the stored
parameter of the constructor.
"query" = this.query, // the processed query
"when" = this.when , // the last time the query was accessed (server time)
"stored_data" = [] // an array of objects that reference the object by tracking
The objects in the serialized stored data have the following form:
"entry" : ref._x_entry, // this is this queries sequencing
"score" : score, // the score from the match
"item_ref" : {
"_tracking" : tracking // provide access to the global file list
After the query object is constructed, the deserialize method will be provided the tracking map of the Searching class instance. The method will use the tracking numbers to regain access to the objects belonging to the query.
There may be some updates to come that will help clarify the role of query objects or to make sure there are query objects for searches that do not use query strings. Perhaps each query could have its own scoring method.
If there are suggestions please introduce them in the issues of the of repositry.