ASB Export Server

Forwards ARK dino exports from consoles to ASB on the desktop using the ASB Export Gun mod.


This is a very simple server that allows ASB to listen for export and server data files sent from the ASB Export Gun mod. No data is stored, ever.

See for details of the API.

Running Locally

This is a SvekteKit app with no real UI to speak of, and just a couple of API routes.

To run a local copy or to develop it, ensure you have the following software installed:

  • Node v22+
  • pnpm

Then in this directory run the following commands:

pnpm i
pnpm dev

You now have a local export server running on http://localhost:5173/.

If changes are made, there's a small test suite that might catch some functional changes:

pnpm test:e2e


There are a few environment variables controlling some of the server limits:

# Example .env file
MAX_EXPORT_SIZE=4096    # Max size of allowed ARK dino export files
MAX_SERVER_SIZE=2048    # Max size of allowed ARK server multiplier files
MAX_CONNECTIONS=1000    # Max number of concurrent listener connections

# @sveltejs/adapter-node
BODY_SIZE_LIMIT=8192    # Max size of any request body


Optional, if you don't have a Docker multi-arch builder:

docker buildx create --name multiarch --use
docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8 -t coldino/asb-export-server --push .


This work is licensed as Affero GPL to ensure derived work is also open, but please get in contact if this is a problem and a dual license can be considered.

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