This is the beginning of a sveltekit based tool dealing with polyforms using sveltekit. It currently only show the twelve pentaminos. Eventually the future solvers will be ported from typescript to assemblyscript using vector extension but I don't anticipate major improvement of speed. The speed will come with good data structure and algorithm.s
Next step. Dragging, flipping and rotating pentominos into a rectangle. For people to manually solve the 3x20, 4x15, 5x12, 6x10 tiling problems.
To see how to install
implementation details:
A pentamino perimeter is generated and implemented as a polyline. This simplifies the code of the user interface.
The routine cacPerimeter
in pentomino.ts
which calcultates the
perimeter will be a starting point to caculate
n-ominos (now n-polyforms). I hope it is general enough to support
other polyforms with a few tweaks.
I discuss permiter calculation difficulty in the implementation note. Ii is
a nice have but can be omitted because they to are not the easiest way
to calculte polyforms.