

svelte app. Generate polyforms and tile boards with them, interactively or with a solver (ongoing work)

This a svelte app to generate polyforms and solve tiling problems with polyforms interactively or programmatically. This is ongoing work. Currently, when the app is run with npm run dev the action is in Tests/Board that are components to be used by the app that should be tested with Playwright.

Getting back after 13 months.

For someone loading this app, it has no interest whatsover.

The board and tile editors don't work (anymore)

I attempted (too) many things. Learning svelte, ts, js libraries and testing libraries. Documentation is lacking. Untested code have been added to support other polyforms than polyominoes. It seems that the polyomino solver is broken.

Using svelte means I want something interactive. So my current goal is to support a 6x10 board to be solved by the user. And to use the solver to incrementally add pieces.

The interactive tests should run only on dev mode. The preview mode does not work.

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