Web-Rust-Svelte Svelte Themes

Web Rust Svelte

This project is developed using rust and javascript. especially used svelte and is an example project that how Web Assembly and Svelte could work together.


rusty-svelte is an example project that how WebAssembly and Svelte could work together.

This example project uses:

Is for: The main focus of this project is to make an integration example of WebAssembly (Rust) and Svelte. Is not for: This project is neither a coding example from Rust nor from Svelte.

Project structure:

├── rust-project
└── svelte-project

Setup wasm

  1. Install the rollup-plugin-rust plugin.

  2. Setup the plugin in your rollup.config.js

    // ...
    import rust from "@wasm-tool/rollup-plugin-rust";
    export default [{
      // ...
      plugins: [
        // ...
        // Add the configuration for your wasm-tool plugins
        // The generated .wasm file is placed in the /build/ folder.
        // To tell the server where to fetch the .wasm file you have to specify
        // the path otherwise you get a 404 error (.wasm file not found).
         verbose: true,
         serverPath: "/build/"
  3. Access your wasm get_stateand dispatch functions in your Svelte js code.

    // svelte-app/src/main.js
    import App from './App.svelte';
    // Load the .toml file of your Rust project.
    // The wasm-plugin runs `wasm-pack build` and cpoies the output into
    // `svelte-app/target` directory.
    // The `.wasm` file is located in the `svelte-app/public/build` dir.
    import wasm from '../../rust-project/Cargo.toml';
    // WebAssembly files must be loaded async.
    const init = async () => {
        const rustProject = await wasm();
        const app = new App({
            target: document.body,
            props: {
              // https://svelte.dev/docs#Creating_a_component
              getState: rustProject.get_state(),
              dispatch: rustProject.dispatch
  4. Start the server npm run dev. The output should look something like this:

    Your application is ready~! 🚀
    - Local:      http://localhost:5000
    ────────────────── LOGS ──────────────────
    [23:02:30] 200 ─ 5.79ms ─ /
    [23:02:30] 200 ─ 1.51ms ─ /global.css
    [23:02:30] 200 ─ 2.81ms ─ /build/bundle.css
    [23:02:30] 200 ─ 3.40ms ─ /build/bundle.js
    [23:02:31] 200 ─ 2.04ms ─ /build/rusty-svelte.wasm <-- The defined build path in your rollup.config.js file.
    [23:02:31] 200 ─ 4.86ms ─ /build/bundle.css.map
    [23:02:31] 200 ─ 7.84ms ─ /build/bundle.js.map
    [23:02:31] 200 ─ 1.20ms ─ /favicon.png

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