Telegram Captcha Bot /w Cloudflare Turnstile

a captcha bot that leveraging telegram login api and cloudflare turnstile, add @SvelteCaptchabot to your group!

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Due to worst quality of Telegram Webhook (sometimes Telegram just stop sending updates), I made another part that having task to getting the join service message, check the bot-get-update folder


  • Telegram API
  • Cloudflare D1
  • Cloudflare Pages
  • Cloudflare Durable Object

Schema Init

npm i
npx wrangler d1 create db-name
# paste the output inside wrangler.toml file
npx wrangler d1 execute db-name --remote --file=db.sql

Bot Config @BotFather

  1. make sure you turn off privacy config
  2. setting's bot login domain with the same domain as webhook (for telegram auth purpose)


  1. Deploy using Cloudflare Pages GUI
  2. connect the forked version of this project
  3. select SvelteKit preset
  4. set environment variable (basically the same as .env.example)
  5. Click "Deploy"
  6. Access to activate Telegram Webhook

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