
Vite Plugin Svelte Globalcss

Use global css/sass in a sveltekit app.

Heads up: Deprecation notice

Importing the css/sass directly in a Svelte component will work almost just as well, except for a slowdown when hot reloading. Use this project as a way to understand the internals of Rollup, Vite and Sveltekit instead of actually using it.


A Sveltekit plugin that enables you to include a global css/sass file in your Sveltekit project. Supports hot reloading.

When using a css framework like Bulma, you configure layout, spacing, typography, etc, by variables that will be used throughout the project as css classes, for example is-size-3 has-background-primary-light. This is largely incompatible with Svelte's component css which is isolated from the rest of the project.

Furthermore there seems to be no way to include a global css file without jumping through a lot of hoops. The simple solution would be just to add a <link rel="stylesheet" href="..." /> element in app.html. But that has a few drawbacks:

  • You can't just link to a stylesheet without asking for cache problems, so you must regularly bust the cache
  • If your file is built with Sass, you must compile it in a separate build step
  • The file you linked to won't be hot reloaded in Sveltekit.


Unfortunately there are still a few hoops you need to jump through to make it work, but you will be rewarded with a seamless experience; on the dev server you can save your Sass file and it will be hot reloaded, when building for production the css file will be built as a file included in the normal output, referenced with a cache busting filename from Vite.

There are four things you need to do:

1. Adding the plugin

Import and add the plugin to vite.config.js with the fileName attribute pointing to your css/sass file:

import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { globalcss } from 'vite-plugin-svelte-globalcss'

/** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */
const config = {
    plugins: [sveltekit(), globalcss({ fileName: './src/sass/app.scss' })]

export default config

This will build and compile your file automatically.

2. Modifying app.html

In app.html, above %sveltekit.head%, add another template variable.


It will be replaced by the stylesheet element.

3. Modify the main Svelte component

This code is for the hot reloading functionality. In the main Svelte component or __layout.svelte, add this code:

  import { globalcss } from 'vite-plugin-svelte-globalcss/client'

4. Adding a hook

The final part is to rewrite the html response to actually replace the %sveltekit.globalcss% variable. If you're not using SvelteKit hooks, this is very simple to add. Create a src/hooks.js file with the following content:

export { handle } from 'vite-plugin-svelte-globalcss/hooks'

If you're already using a hooks file, you can import the transformGlobalcss function and use it as an option to handle:

import { transformGlobalcss } from 'vite-plugin-svelte-globalcss/hooks'

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Handle} */
export async function handle({ event, resolve }) {
  const response = await resolve(event, {
    transformPageChunk: transformGlobalcss()
  return response;

After all this, you can finally enjoy your enhanced Sveltekit project with npm run dev and npm run build!

Plugin options

    fileName : string

    // See note below if you really need to change this.
    outputFilename? = "global.css"

    // See
    sassOptions? = sass.Options<"sync">

    // Sveltekit assets directory, outputFilename will be placed here in dev mode.
    assets? = "static"

Note: If you change outputFilename, you must also pass that value to the transformGlobalcss({cssFile: outputFilename}) function in your hooks file.


Creating a plugin like this by understanding the Rollup build process, configuring typescript, figuring out how Rollup/Vite/Svelte interacts, publishing the plugin to NPM with the correct module settings, etc, is honestly quite a lot of work and generally frustrating, so I'm sure this plugin has a lot of issues. Let me know if you find something, or even better, help me out with a PR or good advice. Things aren't supposed to be this complicated.

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