
Astro Blanding

A template for agencies/businesses to get a landing page/website built quickly using Astro, Svelte, and TailwindCSS

Astro Blanding - a landing page for businesses

Astro Blanding is the template with which I begin for my clients' websites.

With a little time to meet the requirements of a client (less than a day):

Get up and running (basics, required)

  • Handle contact form in src/pages/api/contact.ts.

    • One way you can do this is with Slack: ```typescript import queryStringToJSON from "@utils/QueryStringtoJSON"; // This should be built in to JavaScript, but it is not. import { url } from "@utils/GetURL";

    export async function post({request}: {request: Request}) { const body = queryStringToJSON(await request.text()) await fetch(import.meta.env.SLACK_NOTIFICATION_URL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ text: ${} just requested a consultation for a website.\n${body.message.replace("+", " ")} }) }) return Response.redirect(${url}/success, 307) // Note that this requires that you create a form success /success route. } ```

  • Update information config in src/config.ts

  • Update site in astro config in astro.config.mjs

  • Deploy to Netlify (using NetlifyCMS) or another provider (you have to install your provider, even Netlify).

    • This requires that you add Netlify npx astro add netlify


Icons by astro-icon


import { Icon } from 'astro-icon'

<!-- Automatically fetches and inlines Material Design Icon's "account" SVG -->
<Icon viewBox="2 2 20 20" width="18" height="18" pack="fe" name="github" />

<!-- Should be this, but I think there are still some bugs in the provider -->
<Icon pack="mdi" name="account" />

Contact form

Figuring out a contact form is annoying, so I have one preconfigured. You only need to handle what happens once the form is submitted. This is done in src/pages/api/contact.ts.

OG Image Generation and Image Optimization (with lazy-loading) with Svelte component

Preconfigured API routes in the src/pages/api/ab directory (ab as an abbreviation for astro-blanding). Edit the HTML code in src/pages/api/ab/og.ts to generate custom OG images for your social links. Use the Image component from @ab/Image.svelte to have lazy-loaded images using blurhash.

You can change default cache times for images and image previews in src/config in the imageOptimization property.

The <Image /> Svelte component is inspired by NextJS's image component.

import Image from "@ab/Image.svelte";

<Image src="/github/lighthouse.png" width="300" height="200" alt="lighthouse scores" client:only="svelte" />

<Image /> props

  • src - required, string - a full or relative URL
    • eg:, /github/lighthouse.png
  • width - number - width of the image in pixels, required unless fill prop is used
  • height - number - height of the image in pixels, required unless fill prop is used
  • alt - required, string - used to describe the image for screen readers and search engines, if the image is purely decorative or not intended for the user, the alt property should be an empty string (eg: alt="")
  • fill - default: false - a boolean that causes the image to fill the parent element
    • The parent element must assign position: "relative", position: "fixed", or position: "absolute" style
  • style - string - pass styles as a string, you may want to use this to set the object-fit CSS property.
  • className - string - pass HTML class via string
  • preview - string - Blurhash preview (will speed up image preview, eg: if you save the preview in your database)

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