

As you might know, reMarkable supports exporting notes locally through the USB connection.

Unfortunately, the default local export has a few flaws:

  • Large notes (10MB+) often can't be exported, the UI doesn't wait for long enough for a note to download;
  • Downloading a folder is not possible; only notes one-by-one.

This tool aims to fix those problems.


  • Supports exporting as many folders & notes as you want;
  • Can download both .pdf and .rmdoc;
  • Retries the download from the last failed note;
  • Waits for large notes long enough;
  • Doesn't require reMarkable account or internet connection;
  • Works with out of the box reMarkable software;
  • Has a nice GUI.


Releases for Windows/MacOS/Linux are available on the 'Releases' tab of the repository.

The tool is built with wailsv2. The UI is implemented in Typescript/Svelte, file downloading itself is done in Golang.

Supported rM software version

Around 3.10+, around that version the local server requests got updated.

Tested on Version on reMarkable 2.

Steps before running the rm-exporter

  • Enable USB connection in the Storage settings. Without the permission the app can't find the tablet;
  • For long exports with large number of files, turn off Sleep Mode in the Battery settings. For some reason the local export doesn't prevent the tablet from going to sleep.

Building steps

  1. Install wails v2.
  2. Clone the project
  3. wails build

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