chedit -- cheesy chimera editor

Welcome to chedit, a newer iteration of the chimera map editor to be easier to write/work with. This has mostly reigned true, though unfamiliarity and use of the alpha wails software does mean the following:

hic sunt dracones

This, of course, will not be an unfamiliar concept to any of the chimera codebase.


At the moment you will need go 1.18+, as there are no releases yet.

go install[email protected]

Now it can be run with:

wails dev

Congratulations, you should now be able to create maps, edit them, and save them, albeit with some clunkiness and lack of documentation.


Development is done using Wails v2, Go for the backend, and Svelte for the frontend. There are some awkward kludges in place due to wails alpha behavior, especially in regards to the automatic backend<->frontend communication.

Almost all data is kept and manipulated on the frontend, with the backend being used to manage filesystem access and similar.

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