
MicroSvelte is a minimalistic JavaScript project that demonstrates a custom implementation of a Svelte-like reactive UI library. It's a great starting point for understanding how reactive UI libraries work under the hood. Repository is based on this playlist, but I added small changes like bug fixes and features.


  • Server-Side Rendering: The project includes server-side rendering capabilities implemented in the ssr.js file. This allows for faster initial page load times and improved SEO.

  • Hot Module Reloading(HMR): With HMR, you can make changes to your code and see those changes reflected in the browser almost instantaneously. This can lead to faster development cycles and more frequent iteration on your code.

  • Reactive Programming: MicroSvelte uses a reactive programming model, similar to Svelte. It allows you to write reactive statements that automatically update the DOM when the state changes.

  • DOM Manipulation: The project includes custom functions for creating, updating, and destroying DOM elements based on the application state.

  • Event Handling: MicroSvelte supports event handling. You can attach event listeners to DOM elements and define event handlers in your scripts.

  • Svelte-like Syntax: The project uses a syntax similar to Svelte, making it easy for developers familiar with Svelte to understand the code.

  • Custom Compiler: MicroSvelte includes a custom compiler implemented in the index.js file. The compiler reads Svelte-like code from the app.svelte file, parses it into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), analyzes the AST, and generates JavaScript code that manipulates the DOM based on the AST.

Getting Started

To get started with MicroSvelte, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Once you have these prerequisites, you can clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/CherniakYura/microsvelte
cd microsvelte
npm install
node server.js
# open http://localhost:8000/

After installing the dependencies, you can start exploring the code. The main entry point of the application is the server.js file. It will react to changes in app.svelte and refresh app using HMR.

Please note that this project is a demonstration of a custom implementation of a Svelte-like library and is not intended for production use.


MicroSvelte uses the following npm packages:

  • acorn: A JavaScript parser that is used to parse the script content of Svelte-like files into an AST.
  • escodegen: An ECMAScript code generator that helps to generate JavaScript code from the AST.
  • estree-walker: A utility for walking (traversing) the AST.
  • periscopic: A utility for static scope analysis, used to analyze the AST.


    Contributions to MicroSvelte are welcome. Please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any ideas for improving the project.


MicroSvelte is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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