Steps on building the assignment for SvelteKit & GraphQL & Houdini & Hasura

  • Experimented some methods to use esbuild on a MacBookPro-mid2010 machine and found out pnpm with a wasm-based esbuild works well enough
  • Needed to use enforce package.json into nodeV-16 and npmpV-8
  • Imported my icebreaker repo as a submodule, to test and export the data with postgres-based RestAPI.
  • Conjured a Vagrantfile from abyss, initialising with a shared folder pointing to my server/ folder to run it from within Vagrant.
  • Created a Hasura Cloud & Neon Console accounts.
  • Imported content for 3 tables from my icebreaker repo: users, contents and crossbindings.
  • Started SvelteKit initial structure, imported some packages manually; FontAwesome, Tailwind, Flowbite for design-related needs
  • Created a anonymous-accessible role for the GraphQL endpoints, enabling access to the tables
  • Fetched the GraphQL-schema trough the watchSchema of the Hasura-config.
  • Built up the component structure for various parts of the frontend
  • Prepped the GraphQL queries first as +page.gql and then moved them to queries/ folder
  • /user and /users pointing out to the stores auto-generated by the Houdini.
  • tried to trigger the fetch manually, exchanged the fetch() with a detailed POST fetcher wtthin lib/graphql/client
  • replaced role-based anon-access with the admin-key of Hasura

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