I Need Toilet
An unofficial listing of toilets rated by the Restroom Association (Singapore).
I wanted to learn Svelte by building something other than a to-do list or pomodoro timer. I came across the website of the Restroom Association in Singapore and decided to build a nice listing for them. Obviously this app is only relevant to Singapore.
Tools used:
Toilet information was scrapped from here using webscraper.io.
As only addresses were available, I used this batch geocoder to get lat lng coordinates of each toilet. There are probably some errors :wink:
The resulting csv data file needs to be converted to geojson format to be consumed by Mapbox. I used geojson.io.
The site is hosted at https://sgtoilet.app
If you want to run it locally, Node.js is required. Clone the repo and
npm install
Get a free Mapbox public key by creating an account. Put your key in the src/keys.js
file like this
export const mapBoxKey = YOUR_OWN_KEY;
Start by
npm run dev
and go to localhost:5000.
Build for production using
npm run build
and serve the dist
:raised_hand: Feel free to submit an issue or PR if you notice any wrongly geocoded entries!
:raised_hand: Mapbox has a comprehensive styling API with many opportunities for customization
Disclaimer: This is my first Svelte app so there is certainly room for improvement!
:+1: Thanks to the Restroom Association (Singapore) for the data