
Sveltekit Clerk Cerbos

Cerbos, Clerk and SvelteKit Example

This example shows how to use Clerk with Cerbos in a SvelteKit application.

The example features adding sign up, sign in, profile management, and an authenticated API route to your SvelteKit application, using Cerbos to authorize access.

Table of Contents


Cerbos is an open-source authorization-as-a-service option for allowing decoupled access control in your software. It allows writing human-readable policy definitions that serve as context-aware access control policies for your application resources.

Cerbos works with any identity provider services like Auth0, Okta, FusionAuth, Clerk, Magic, WorkOS or even your own, bespoke directory system.

In this demo we use Clerk as the identity provider.

Our SvelteKit application will connect with Clerk for authentication and Cerbos for authorization, to decide what actions are available on which resources for a given user.

The policies is defined in the cerbos/policies directory. Each policy is authored in the a very human-readable format which you can learn more about at the Cerbos Policy documentation site, and for the demo revolves around access to a contacts resource.

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How to Run the Example

1. Clone the repository and install the dependencies

git clone

Then cd into the project directory and run npm install to install the dependencies.

npm install

Alternatviely you could use yarn or pnpm or anything that runs npm scripts

2. Set up your Clerk account and project

Create a free account at and create a new application for development.

If you have any trouble you can check out Clerk's documentation for setting up you application.

3. Add your ENV variables to an env.local at the root of the project

There are 2 environment variables from Clerk's SDK that need to be set for this demo to work.

There is a .env.local.example file in the root of the project that you can copy and rename to .env.local and add your Clerk API keys to.

# .env.local

The Clerk API keys can be found at the API Keys page in the Clerk dashboard.

4. Start Cerbos locally

Cerbos runs along side of the app, so for this local demonstration you'll have to start Cerbos separately from the app.

There are many ways to run Cerbos:

If you have Docker installed: you can simply run the npm run script cerbos:docker from the root of the project to start Cerbos in a container.

npm run cerbos:docker

(on windows you may need to run npm run cerbos:docker:win)


If you have the Cerbos binary installed locally and available to the project, you can start Cerbos with the following command from the root of the project:

npm run cerbos

This will use the yaml policy files at cerbos/policies/*.yaml to configure authorization policies for Cerbos.

The cerbos/policies directory contains the policies that will be loaded into Cerbos when it starts. You can edit these policies to see how they affect the behavior of the app.

5. Start the demo locally

This demo is how to use Clerk with Cerbos in a SvelteKit application, so to start it you can just start the SvelteKit app in dev mode with the following command:

npm run dev

Which using Vite will start up a dev server which you can open in your browser.

You could also build and preview the app to see what it would be like in production. Deployment of this app is out of scope for this example.

6. Check out the example implementation

  • Open your browser to http://localhost:5137 to see the included example code running.

There is a demonstration of changing the user's role, and seeing how that affects the permissions of the user to take actions on the resources.


  • npm run dev - Starts the development server.
  • npm run cerbos:docker - Starts the Cerbos service in Docker.
  • npm run format - Formats code with prettier for the entire project.
  • npm run build - Builds the project for production.

Learn More

To learn more about, Cerbos and SvelteKit, take a look at the following resources:

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