swathe Svelte Themes


Swathe | Image Effect Desktop App for macOS, Windows, & Linux

Swathe - Image Viewer

Swathe is an open-source app which allows applying cool overlay effects to images. The applied effects on the image can be downloaded for personal use and/or the enshittification of memes across your slack, discord, or social media channels.


  • mutiple image presentation views (gallery, preview, comparison)
  • 20+ applicable effects including emboss, nigt-vision, mosaic, airbrush, etc
  • keyboard shortcuts for entire ui
  • cross-platform: runs on windows, macos, & linux


  • app demo video here (soon)

⌨️ Shortcut Keys

All shortcurt commands begin with the shift key + any of the following

  • switch effect (⬆️ and ⬇️)
  • clear image (X to clear image and upload new one)
  • switch views (P for Preview, G for Gallery, C for Comparison)
  • reposition comparison slider dragger (⬅️ and ➡️)
  • fit to screen size (M to fit image. Dependent on screen constraints. Repress to exit fit-to-screen view).
  • full screen (F for full-screen image view. Dependent on window size. Repress to exit full-screen view).


"Latest" refers to non release-candidate, pre, beta, or alpha builds.

Additionally, one can just build from source


Releases are automated based on semantic releases and tagged as such in the Releases page. Releases have the newest features and bugs, fixes, etc, as they include pre, beta, and alpha builds before a public build is cut.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/cdrani/swathe.git
  2. Install the dependencies: pnpm install
  3. Build the application: pnpm run tauri build
  4. Get the executable (*.ext, .dmg, etc) from the src-tauri/target folder


Contributions are welcome!


Swathe is released under the MIT License.

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